
Slow data speed freezing your work? Find out why and ways to fix it

Current technology and innovations in cellular technology allow us to not only make calls from our mobile phones but also provide us access to the internet through data. After all, walking around with a powerful and portable communication device can be used for so many things nowadays. Internet usage is not limited to simply browsing the world wide web, there are essential services we can access. Getting food delivered, and transportation arrangements made, modern cellular technology has made it so much more convenient for all of humanity.

As convenient as internet availability through cellular data is, we all know of the troubles associated with it. Data speed can just drop without any warning and can bring a halt to our daily activities. There could be many reasons associated with it and there are just as many workarounds to fix them. Let’s explore the common reasons your cell phone data could slow down, and see how to get them working:

Data Throttling – Throttling or speed reduction as it is, can be experienced due to quite a few causes, one of them being your data use over the permitted daily usage. Unlike wired internet connections, cellular data is not truly unlimited, and when you reach your daily usage limit, the internet speed will significantly slow down. You will still be able to surf the web, but most likely you will have to wait a long time for a web page to load or that favorite web series to buffer.

The only solution in dealing with data throttling is to ensure that you haven’t run out of your daily limitation. Modern smartphones provide users with the option to set a warning for daily data usage. It could work as a necessary reminder that your connection might slow down beyond that point. 

Connecting To The Right Network – Due to slow data, it’s not just internet surfing that’s affected. With the wifi calling technology, phone calls can be made over the internet for better quality. Unfortunately, this also means that with slower data availability the quality of calls is also affected. At that point, even a 3G network at the highest speed can perform better than a slow 4G network. 

You could try toggling the AIrplane mode on and off, but that only helps if the newer connection is stable. A manual solution of course exists for this problem with which you can choose a different network type of your choice through the network mode option. To ensure no frustrations on your side, you can also enable the auto option so that the phone can switch to a better network automatically.

Frequency Interferences – Cell phone signals and as an extension, internet data use radio frequencies to communicate with cell towers. Sometimes these communications can experience interferences due to other devices using radio frequency as well. As a result cell phone data signals don’t always go through successfully with your internet experience suffering due to it. Due to this surfing, the web becomes just as problematic as do communications. 

The only workaround to this is to make sure that no devices using radio frequency are in use at that moment, at least not in the immediate coverage area. If these interfering devices are in the way of the nearest cell tower, you can just go beyond that threshold to resume your data usage with better results.

The Better Solution

Cellular data-based internet powers the modern world more than most people realize. Relying on workarounds that may just work, is also not a great idea when all any of us wants is to have a smooth experience without all the hassle-filled tweaking. Fortunately, signal boosters can also boost the quality of your data usage without the need for changing networks every few minutes or switching off interferences.

Modern signal boosters like Seguro from Cell Boost make use of up-to-date technology to provide a smooth internet-surfing experience with support for all major carriers across India. 
Check out our shop offering numerous options among signal boosters that can fit your needs as per your requirements. If you are interested and would like to know more, you may contact us at or call us at +91-9015846846

July 27, 2021 Uncategorized

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One thought on “Slow data speed freezing your work? Find out why and ways to fix it”

  1. Thanks. It was really helpful!

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